Major Techniques, Variations and Benefits of Chest Press

One of the classics of upper body exercises, the chest press is a very popular workout routine most people follow to build muscles around their chest, shoulders, and triceps. However, with weight put on your arms and shoulders, one must imperatively pay heed to the right form of the exercise. There are many among the fitness enthusiasts doing it wrong.

A personal trainer or instructor might guide you to the right form of chest press. If not, we have this detailed information on how to perform the chest press correctly down here.  Ensure to have someone who can notify you about your form while you are busy doing the exercise. We will also discuss the different variations of the exercise down below. Get along and read on.

How to Do:

Here are some directions and instructions that we have accumulated from extensive research on how to do the chest press.

Before we begin, let us some points that need to be kept in mind:

  • The spine must be straight throughout the exercise to alleviate the chances of injury.
  • Your head, buttocks, and shoulders should be pressed into the bench at all times while doing the exercise.
  • Touch your feet on the ground firmly, placing them flat won’t the floor. If it falls short, you can use a raised platform for the same purpose.
  • While doing the exercise, for a better effect on your triceps, you need to bring your elbows in proximity to your body on sides.
  • Contrastingly, if you wish to target the pectoral, the elbows shall go away from the body.
  • Wrists don’t need to play any role, they should not be bent in either direction. Keep your wrists neutral throughout the session to about injuries.

Here’s a step-by-step procedure on how to achieve the perfect form:

Step 1
Step 1
  • Lie down on a flat bench. Your feet should be pressing into the ground. If not possible, use a raised platform to reach out.
  • Now as you lay, your shoulders should be brought down and pressed against the bench.
Step 2
Step 2
  • Hold dumbbells or the weighted bar in both hands with palms facing away from you and thumbs tightly wrapped around the rod.
  • Now, inhale and lift the equipment, barbell, or dumbbells, and then bring them towards your chest slowly and controlled.
Step 3
Step 3
  • As you do this, you can bring the bar near your chest very gently and maybe, touch it with your chest only if you’re doing it in a controlled and firm manner.
Step 4
Step 4
  • Now exhale and press arms up, elbows stay slightly bent.
  • The barbell is to be positioned just below eye level.
  • Repeat the same in 2 to 3 sets of about 8 to 15 repetitions.

Mojor Benefits :

Benefits of chest press
Benefits of chest press

Being one of the most popular exercises, chest press has several benefits to share. It is best to exercise to strengthen the upper body including the chest, shoulders, and triceps. The electoral, triceps, and deltoid are extensively targeted with the chest press. Not just this, it also has a favorable effect on the serratus anterior and biceps too.

Strengthening your upper body will come in handy for several daily routines and various sports such as tennis, baseball, swimming, etc.

Other benefits of this weight training that helps build strength are- an improved fitness level, robust bone structure, and great mental satisfaction.

Muscles will be gained, fat will be lost, calories will be burnt, and what not, even when you’re resting after performing the exercise. That’s the thing about chest press. It works even when you are not working.


This exercise has several subtypes. There can be a lot of variations to this simple exercise that almost everyone performs in a gym. A flat bench is among the most common equipment found in almost all gyms. Keeping that in mind, people over the years have taken the opportunity to develop several variations of this exercise for their benefit. Variations put into any exercise give it an additional boost and prove to be advantageous to the ones doing it. Here are some variations to try:

  • Dumbbell chest press:

Dumbbell Chest Press
Dumbbell Chest Press

The most basic of all is the variation using the dumbbells. For this one, the basic exercise with a barbell is replaced with dumbbells in each hand. The person lies down on the flat bench, pulls up the dumbbells in the same fashion the barbell is pulled, and then pushes it above, away from the chest. Those who are not very comfortable with the barbell can use dumbbells of their choice weight.

  • Incline chest press:

Incline Chest Press
Incline Chest Press

This one is done on an inclined bench rather than the flat one. To target and build the upper pectoral and shoulders and relieve the rotator cuffs a little, an incline chest press is the best exercise. For this one, a lowered weight can be used, either in the form of dumbbells or barbells. The only con that this variation brings along is that it works up the pectoral completely. Also, after having performed this exercise, your shoulder will need a day’s rest to avoid overuse and injury.

  • Standing chest press:

Standing Chest Press
Standing Chest Press

A standing posture of this exercise is beneficial to improve the balance, thereby targeting the stabilizer muscles in return. The rotator cuffs, erector spine, and transverse abdominal are all targeted with the help of a standing chest press. Do this variation only if you’re through with a perfect form and excellent at balancing the overall body.

  • Seated chest press:

Seated Chest Press
Seated Chest Press

As you do the seated chest press, your biceps, latissimus dorsi muscles are targeted. Here, the machine has a role to play. It provides you with a heavyweight load. However, for this one to be successful, you need to ensure the correct moisture and adjustment of the seat are proper. Also, the handles of the machine should be held tightly and in the correct position. Controlled movements are a must long with smooth locomotion, so that injury is avoided at the most.

  • Plate loaded chest press:

Plate Loaded
Plate Loaded

Plate loaded chest press can be done both while either standing or lying down on the bench. The inner pectorals are isolated here and the probability of injury reduces.

  • Hammer strength chest press:

Hammer Chest Press
Hammer Chest Press

To achieve this form, the person lies down on a bench with dumbbells in each of his hands. The dumbbells are then drawn closer to the chest, but not above the chest. The hands surpass by the sides of the chest. The grip remains neutral. Now push the dumbbells up until arms are entirely stretched.


We took you to an interesting journey of the chest press exercise to build the chest, pectoral and triceps muscles. Machine chest press is a great way to gain strength in your upper body. You can try out the variation that have been taught here for better results.

See More:

Exercise to Built Forearm Muscles

Bench Press: How to Master the Exercise

Best Shoulder Dumbbell Workout

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